Global Citizenship
Degree Awarded
Undergraduate Certificate
Program Delivery
Locations Available
Rindge, New Hampshire
World peace, indeed, world survival, depends on educated global citizens. The Global Citizenship Certificate (GCC) aims to develop 21st Century collaborative leadership and cross-cultural social interaction skills by building a dynamic global community that proactively responds to human interdependence, equality, and justice on our ever-changing planet. The GCC Program is open to all international and internationally minded undergraduate students seeking to complement their professional and civic toolboxes.
Request InformationWhat do Global Citizenship students Learn?
Global Citizenship Certificate students will complete 10 credits of coursework and a documented, on or off campus practicum that demonstrates global citizenship and contributes to community building. A separate, optional internship may also be taken for credit.
- AN220 Global Problems (3 credits)
- GCC490 The Global Citizenship Seminar (1 credits) Required Practical Experience (as explained above)
- Optional Internship
- GCC491 Global Citizen Internship (1 - 3 credits)
- And two electives (6 credits)
International students may use their campus life experience at Franklin Pierce as their practicum.
Of the two required electives, only one from the student’s major program, or one from study abroad courses is allowed.
Students may use up to 3 credits from a language proficiency exam, such as CLEP, to satisfy the ML (Modern Language) or LS (Latinx Studies) elective.
- GCC491 Global Citizenship Internship (1-3 credits)
- AN101 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology*
- AN105 Culture Through Film*
- AN245 Living and Working Abroad*
- AN311 Museum Studies
- AN323 Anthropology of Religion
- AN423 Anthropology of Public Health
- BI217 Tropical Forest Ecology (lab)
- BI235 Human Health and Nutrition
- COMM235 Intercultural Communication
- EN110 Many Voice: Multicultural Literature*
- EN215 New Worlds of Literature: Writing from Emerging Societies*
- EN270 Women Writers*
- ES103 Introduction to Ecosystem and Wildlife Conservation*
- ES305 Environmental Health and Justice (CK)
- GLE200 The 20th Century: A Global Approach*
- HS229 Thrones and Drones: Modern European History
- HS235 Topics In World History
- HS3A0 Ireland Since 1950
- HS314 American Immigrant History
- IB364 International Business
- LS101 Elementary Spanish I
- LS102 Elementary Spanish II
- LS105 Language for Travelers
- LS201 Intermediate Spanish I
- LS202 Intermediate Spanish II
- LS311 Spanish Culture and Civilization
- LS312 Spanish-American Culture and Civilization
- MK365 International Marketing
- ML101 Beginning Language I
- ML102 Beginning Language II
- ML201 Intermediate Language I
- ML202 Intermediate Language II
- MU102 Special Topics in Music
- PO205 Contemporary World Affairs*
- PO206 Comparative Politics*
- PO330 Global Security
- PO331 Prosperity and Freedom in the World
- SO240 Religion and Society*
- PUBH202 Introduction to Global Health
* Also meets GLE Requirement
What Makes Our Global Citizenship Program Different?
The Franklin Pierce study abroad program on the Camino de Santiago immerses students in the same journey that eight centuries of pilgrims have experienced. Students from FPU can experience this spiritual walk as part of the global citizenship certificate.
CONTACT the admissions team
(800) 437-0048
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.